VSync vs Adaptive Sync - Which is better for gaming monitors?

January 25, 2022

VSync vs Adaptive Sync - Which is better for gaming monitors?

When it comes to gaming, having the right gear can make all the difference in the world. One piece of hardware that is often debated is the type of display you use. Specifically, whether to use VSync or Adaptive Sync. In this post, we will break down the differences between the two and help you decide which one is better for your gaming needs.

What is VSync?

Vertical Sync, or VSync for short, is a technology that's been around for ages. VSync is used to prevent screen tearing when playing games. Screen tearing occurs when the graphics card is producing more frames than the display can handle. This results in two or more frames being seen on the screen at the same time. VSync works by limiting the frame rate to match the refresh rate of the monitor. This keeps frames from being displayed partially on the screen, which can create a visually unpleasant experience for gamers.

What is Adaptive Sync?

Adaptive Sync, also called Adaptive Refresh, is a technology that allows the monitor to change its refresh rate to match the frame rate being produced by the graphics card. This solves the screen tearing issue that VSync solves but does so in a more efficient manner. Instead of limiting the frame rate, it allows the monitor to match the rate of the graphics card, which can lead to a smoother and more responsive experience for gamers.

Which is better for gaming monitors?

The answer to this question will depend on several factors. VSync is a viable solution if your graphics card struggles to produce enough frames to match your monitor's refresh rate. However, if your graphics card is capable of producing more frames than your monitor can handle, Adaptive Sync will provide a smoother experience. Also, VSync can add input lag, which can lead to a delay between what the player does and what is seen on the display. Adaptive Sync does not have this issue since it only adjusts the refresh rate of the monitor.

So, which one is better? It's difficult to say. Ultimately, it comes down to personal preference and the hardware you're working with. However, Adaptive Sync is a newer technology that provides a better overall experience.


In summary, VSync and Adaptive Sync are two technologies available for gamers who want to prevent screen tearing. VSync has been around for longer and is used to limit frame rates to match the refresh rate of the monitor. Adaptive Sync, on the other hand, adjusts the refresh rate of the monitor to match the frame rate of the graphics card. Though both solve the screen tearing issue, Adaptive Sync provides a better experience overall. Ultimately, the choice between VSync and Adaptive Sync will depend on your personal preference and the hardware you are working with.


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